I have always enjoyed teaching as I feel that teaching helps you understand the topic at a deeper level. I haven’t had a chance to run my own course yet but hopefully that will change in the future. Meanwhile, I have been a Teaching Assistant for 13 different terms for 10 different courses.

Teaching Assistantship

  • Distributed Systems (Core Course), University of Saarland, Apr’21-Aug’21
  • CPSC 313 : Computer Hardware and Operating Systems, UBC, Jan’20 - Apr’20
  • CPSC 508 : Graduate Operating Systems, UBC, Sep’19 - Dec’19
  • CPSC 416 : Distribtued Systems, UBC, Sep’18 - Dec’18
  • Algorithms and the Internet, Vancouver Summer Program, Jul’18 - Aug’18
  • CPSC 210 : Software Construction, UBC, Jan’18 - Apr’18
  • CPSC 415 : Advanced Operating Systems, UBC, Sep’17 - Dec’17
  • CPSC 320 : Intermediate Algorithm Design and Analysis, UBC, Jan’17 - Apr’17
  • CPSC 313 : Computer Hardware and Operating Systems, UBC, Sep’16 - Dec’16
  • CPSC 213 : Introduction to Computer Systems, UBC, Jul’15 - Aug’15
  • CPSC 121 : Models of Computation, UBC, Sep’14 - Jun’15